Digital Mail Scanning
Add this Digital Mail scanning package to your shopping cart along with any other Mail Forwarding Service to benefit from our secure Mail scanning technology. Post Office Mail scanning has a wide variety of benefits including:
- Timely delivery of your U.S mail to your inbox.
- Cost savings, no need to pay for postage to mail your documents.
- Eliminates spam and junk mail.
- Decide on what mail to forward and what to trash.
- Secure document destruction of all trashed mail.
- Digital Mail is a widely used PDF format.
- Secure Mail Handling via Secure Gmail Server.
- Real-Time Mailbox Management system.
Experience Seamless Mail Management with Our Digital Mail Scanning Service!
Are you tired of missing important mail while you’re away? Our digital mail scanning service is the perfect solution for busy individuals, frequent travelers, and anyone looking to streamline their mail management process. With our secure and efficient digital mail scanning service, you can rest assured that your mail is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. Our team of professionals scans each piece of mail with precision and accuracy, ensuring that you never miss a critical document or correspondence.
Say goodbye to the hassle of waiting for mail to be forwarded or worrying about mail piling up while you’re out of town. With our digital mail scanning service, you can access your mail anytime, anywhere, from any device with an internet connection. Simply log in to your secure online portal to view scanned images of your mail, allowing you to stay informed and in control at all times.
What’s more, our digital mail scanning service is cost-neutral, meaning you pay only for the scans you request. There are no hidden fees or monthly subscriptions, making it an affordable and convenient solution for individuals and businesses alike. Don’t let mail management woes hold you back. Experience the convenience and peace of mind of our digital mail scanning service today!”
Scanning Your Mail
Digital Mail Scanning Service package will compliment any US mail forwarding service plan, cost as low as 75 cents per page. Signing up for this service is your permission to allow us to open and scan your mail.
- Â To be able to sign up for this Digital Mail Scanning package, a Mail forwarding service plan is required.
- Â The package is for up to 30 scanned pages per month.
- scanned pages Rate is $0.75 per page.
- You assume full responsibility to secure your scanned documents via your email account.
- To get the latest Adobe Reader
I use to have to wait for my mail to arrive to Brazil and it takes weeks if not months in addition to the postage fees. Your staff helped me sign up for the service and now I get my Bank statements, IRS letters and Utility bills scanned and delivered to my outlook account without spending a dime on postage. Brazil Mail is slow and this is a great solution. Highly recommend it
My friend recommended this service for handle all my mail.The service so far is great. My junk mail is shredded, my mail is opened and scanned as I request. Brandy is great, she always respond to me and mail is delivered via secure server by Gmail. So I feel that my mail is safe. The cost is fair considering I never have to pay for mailing my packages to Russia.
OMG I never knew I dont have to pay or wait for my snail me! This is a great service. 5 starts all the way. The service paid for itself the first month! It took me a month to receive my first letter to Japan. This service allows me to get my mail right away in the scan version. No Junk Mail, no waiting and stamps to buy! Bravo